Saturday, April 18, 2009

Add numbering in gridview [VB / C#]

I also have the same problem when i first using the gridview. Gridview is a very powerful control (we do not have to code table like in PHP). So, after doing a research on several web resources, I've found this method. With this method you can add numbering in your gridview. Insert this code in your page inside the gridview codes (.aspx)


<%#Container.DataItemIndex + 1 & "."%>


<%#Container.DataItemIndex + 1 + "."%>

Get Date and Time separately from SQL

Situation: You have a column in your table type DateTime. But you just want to view the date or time only. This is how it can be done.

SQL query

Select convert(varchar, [your column date], 3)
from [your table name]

will return result in format dd/mm/yy

Select select convert(varchar, [your column date], 8 )
from [your table name]

will return result in format hh:mm:ss

Here are list of format which you can refer:

Date Formats
Format No. SQL Query Output
1 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 1)
from [your table name]
2 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 2)
from [your table name]
3 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 3)
from [your table name]
4 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 4)
from [your table name]
5 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 5)
from [your table name]
6 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 6)
from [your table name]
30 Dec 08
7 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 7)
from [your table name]
Dec 30, 08
10 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 10)
from [your table name]
11 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 11)
from [your table name]
101 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 101)
from [your table name]
102 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 102)
from [your table name]
103 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 103)
from [your table name]
104 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 104)
from [your table name]
105 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 105)
from [your table name]
106 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 106)
from [your table name]
30 Dec 2008
107 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 107)
from [your table name]
Dec 30, 2008
110 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 110)
from [your table name]
111 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 111)
from [your table name]

Time Formats
Format No. SQL Query Output
8 or 108 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 8 )
from [your table name]
9 or 109 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 9)
from [your table name]
Dec 30 2006 12:40:50:840AM
14 or 114 select convert(varchar, [your column date], 14)
from [your table name]

How to use dictionary in [VB / C#]

This is how to declare, add / insert and read / view dictionary in C# and VB .net. But you have include library for reference
'In header
Imports System.Collections.Generic

'In your codes section
Dim items As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()

items.Add("The Key", "The Value")

For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In items
Label1.Text = Label1.Text & "Key: " & item.Key.ToString() & ", Display: " & item.Value.ToString() & "


// In header
Using System.Collections.Generic;

// In your codes section
Dictionary<string, string> items = new Dictionary<string, string>();

items.Add("The Key", "The Value");

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in items)
Label1.Text = Label1.Text + "Key: " + item.Key.ToString() + ", Display: " + item.Value.ToString() + "<br>";

I prefer using dictionary rather than array. Dictionary is suitable to be used when we know its data type